Knowing all About Hiking or Trekking Poles
Hiking poles are also known as trekking poles or hiking staffs and these are standard equipment used by many walkers, hikers, trekkers, backpackers and snow-shoers, for reasons that they provide stability and support when going through all types of land terrain.
The difference between trekking poles from hiking staff is as follows:
Trekking poles - they are sold as pairs and used in tandem, they are adjustable in length, wherein some models include internal springs that absorb shock to further reduce impact, and they enhance stability and reduce the force on the knees while hiking and backpacking.
Hiking staff - they are a single pole and used on relatively flat terrain, with little or no load on the back of the holder, are adjustable and may include a built-in camera mount under the handle so the staff can also be used as a mono-pod.
To know what pole length is suitable for you, the standard measure is the following: if you're taller than about 6 feet, choose a hiking staff or trekking poles that have a maximum length of at least 51 inches and if you're shorter than 6 feet tall, you adjust the pole length, as most poles have adjustable lengths, to suit to your height. Some poles are sold either with adjustable lengths or fixed lengths and they come in ranges of length sizes, so it's up to you which of these pole features can serve you best. For you to know which pole will suit you, properly sized poles will put your elbows at a 90-degree bend when you hold the poles with tips on the ground near your feet, view website here!
In order for you to get the most of hiking poles or trekking poles, the following procedures are recommended: start by choosing between a pair of trekking poles or a single hiking staff and when you have made your decision, find the right length which should observe the standard suggestion, based on your actual height; then choose what particular features of the pole are you comfortable with, as well as its functionality, like would you choose adjustable or one which can be folded or with shock absorption or with weight and locking mechanisms; and work the pole through actual trials on trails or terrains and see if you can easily get on your way.For more facts and information regarding hiking poles, you can go to http://www.ehow.com/how_2189086_pack-hiking-backpack.html.
Finally, some poles and staffs include ergonomic grips that have a 15-degree corrective angle to keep your wrists in a neutral and comfortable position. Also, some hiking staffs have grips that look like the grip you'd find on a walking cane. This shape provides good support for casual walking and very light hiking. Read hiking pole reviews here!